Seguno Email Marketing built for Shopify
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curate your marketing content calendar

relevant messages are the top reason that people open a brand email every time. So if you want to capture and keep your subscribers’ interest and motivate visits to your store, ditch the stale content. Focus on relating to them and aim to diversify.

plan your quarter

use the email marketing planning guide to craft a robust, three-month calendar. Create your Shopify store’s road map for July, August and September.

calendar pages featuring essential ecommerce events

goal-setting framework plus monthly and quarterly metrics review pages

quarterly focus suggestions and monthly newsletter ideas

complementary Google Calendar reminders for staying on track

Download your email marketing planning guide from Seguno
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build a foundation for consistency

email marketing calendars are the backbone of fruitful email marketing programs. Learn the best practices for developing a steady cadence.

get relevant ideas for the month

leverage what your subscribers are experiencing — holidays and cultural happenings — to build bridges. Our blog posts cover major yearly events and unpack effective email examples.

periodically add variety

slide in a special newsletter every so often to keep your newsletter mix fresh. Seek inspiration outside of the 365-day calendar.