Seguno Email Marketing built for Shopify
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Permission-Based Marketing Policy

Last Updated:  December 26, 2023

Seguno is a permission-based marketing platform. This means that Seguno requires explicit knowledge or consent from each contact to be permitted for marketing messages.

Ensuring your newsletters reach the inbox instead of the spam folder is closely tied to your sending reputation. This reputation is influenced by how your subscribers engage with your newsletters. When subscribers open your emails, click on links, and show interest, it positively impacts your sending reputation. Conversely, if they ignore or mark your emails as spam, it harms your sending reputation. 

Email providers like Gmail, Microsoft, and Yahoo employ their own criteria to assess these behaviors and determine whether your newsletters are placed in the inbox, spam folder, or get blocked altogether. Sending marketing messages to contacts who have not requested them or have forgotten they've requested them can quickly lead to deliverability problems, which may take several months to resolve. 

When in doubt, you can answer these questions:

  • Did these contacts give explicit permission to receive marketing emails from you?
    If not, they are not permitted under Seguno’s sender policy.
  • Are your (the sender's) details easily recognizable and consistent with the brand that the contact gave permission for marketing?
    If not, then your email is not permitted under Seguno’s sender policy.
  • Would any part of this message feel misleading, unsolicited, or unwelcome?
    If yes, then your email is not permitted under Seguno’s sender policy.

By sending emails only to contacts who agree to receive them and expect to see them in their inbox, Seguno is able to support your email deliverability through all other factors.

It is your responsibility to adhere to Seguno’s sender policy, as well as all regulations governing the regions where you do business. If Seguno determines that you are in violation, service may be suspended or terminated. In order to protect the integrity of the Service, Seguno reserves the right at any time in its sole discretion to block individual users from access and/or use of our services. As a service provider, Seguno will offer to work with businesses that are found to be in violation but are willing to comply with the terms of sending. Mistakes happen, and we believe in partnership and education. However, repeated abuse or violation and unwillingness to cooperate will not be supported.

It is easy to follow the Seguno Sender Policy by using the “Allowed” methods below, avoiding the “Not Allowed” methods below, and practicing healthy list maintenance. This is not an exhaustive list. If you have a question about whether a method is allowed or not allowed, please contact

Allowed Contact Acquisition:

Explicit Opt-In - Explicit Opt-In to the brand that will be marketing to the contacts with clear subscription language.

Website Forms - This is a form on your website that clearly states the contact will be subscribed if they submit the form with their information.

Site Banner - This is a Banner that is placed at the top or bottom of your Shop to collect consented contacts.

Popups - This is an opt-in form that appears after a time or action you choose.
How to add a popup to your Shopify Shop. 

Opt-in Checkbox at Purchase - This is a checkbox to opt-in to marketing emails at purchase on your site.
This is an option that can be enabled in Shopify.

Point of Sale (POS) Subscription - This is an opt-in method you can offer when a purchase is made at a physical store. Be sure to disclose to these contacts that they will receive marketing emails by sharing their email addresses.

Opt-In List Rental - This is the practice of 3rd parties collecting explicit consent for several brands on a single opt-in form. The form must contain the disclosure that the contact is opting into marketing newsletters from your shop in plain sight. This disclosure must be on the form and not hidden in a privacy policy.

Co-Branded Messages - This is an excellent way to reach contacts from other shops that may have similar interests. A co-branded message is one where you and another shop compose a newsletter featuring products from your shops that are complementary or are of interest to each other's contacts. Each shop sends that same email to their respective contacts under both brands. Contacts may be encouraged to subscribe to the other shop organically but are not opted-in across brands automatically.

Opt-in Co-Registration - This is an excellent method for you and complimentary shops to gain contacts. This is achieved by each shop sending a message under their own branding inviting the contacts on their list to opt-in to the other shop. 

Company Rebrand - This is a rare case where it is permitted to send marketing newsletters from a brand that was not explicitly opted-in to. This is only permitted when the original brand is discontinued to become a new brand. An example of this is “Brand A is now Brand B.” Brand A must then be retired.

Not Allowed:

Transferring/sharing contact lists between unrelated brands - Contacts added to one of your brands did not consent to all of your brands unless clearly stated at the point of opt-in. It is not permitted to share contacts between shops while using Seguno for your email marketing. Adding a line to your privacy policy that consents a contact to all of your brands is called Implied Opt-In and is not permitted. See the next point for more information about Implied Opt-In.

Implied Opt-In - Opt-in must be explicit and disclosed in plain language on the opt-in form. Consent disclosure may not be hidden in a privacy policy.

Purchased Lists - Contacts from purchased lists tend to mark newsletters as spam at an extremely high rate, which triggers mass spamboxing and blocking. Using purchased lists may cause irreparable harm to your email program and prevent you from reaching valid contacts.

Harvested Lists - Sending to scraped contacts is almost guaranteed to trigger mass spam boxing and/or full blocking. Using harvested lists may cause irreparable harm to your email program and prevent you from reaching valid contacts.

Appended Lists - These contacts have not consented to receive marketing newsletters and are not allowed.

Opt-Out List Rental and Opt-Out Co-Registration - “Opt-out if you don’t want to receive emails” is not explicit permission to send marketing content.

Old Lists - Recency is an important factor for email engagement.

Other Unsolicited List Acquisition Practices - Any contact that has not given you explicit consent to the exact brand you will send from is not permitted.

In addition to these unallowed list sources and opt-in procedures, the following practices are also prohibited:

Resubscribing contacts who have unsubscribed or bounced out from a previous email service.

If you have questions about any of the non-allowed methods, please contact Segnuo Support. We will help you make the best decision for your business under Seguno’s sender policy.

Seguno Policy Agreement

Seguno monitors accounts and messages to ensure compliance with our Sender Policy with direct oversight and proprietary systems to safeguard your account against known deliverability and spam issues. Participation in these systems is required for active Seguno accounts. Seguno will notify senders if an issue arises with your sending reputation and work with you to repair that reputation. We are on your side. In cases of severe email deliverability issues, Seguno reserves the right to stop an email delivery and temporarily prohibit sending until a remediation plan is put into place. While it is extremely rare, Seguno reserves the right to permanently prohibit a client from using the platform for any reason. These policies are subject to change as the marketing email landscape changes over time.

If your contacts do not meet the requirements above, please reach out to Seguno support. Our Deliverability team will be happy to work with you to import only the contacts that are safe and will not land you in the spam folder.

List Maintenance

Maintaining an engaged email contact list is crucial for the success of your email marketing campaigns. Unengaged contacts can negatively impact your sending reputation with receiving inboxes, and abandoned email addresses may be flagged as traps, affecting the overall health of your list.

To optimize the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts, we have implemented automated list maintenance, which includes optional engagement-based list management. Please note that there is no additional charge for these services.

  • Automated List Maintenance:
    Contacts are automatically unsubscribed if the messages sent to them result in bounces (rejections). Hard-bounced contacts, indicating permanent errors, are immediately unsubscribed. Soft-bounced contacts, indicating temporary errors, will be unsubscribed after a number of consecutive bounces.
  • Engagement-Based List Maintenance:
    This optional service is provided at no cost to you. Our team will assess your list and provide recommendations for unsubscribing contacts based on factors such as the length of subscription, engagement levels, and order trends for your shop. Feel free to reach out to Seguno support to have your list evaluated at any time.

By ensuring the regular maintenance of your email contact list, you contribute to the overall success of your email marketing campaigns.

If you have any questions about this policy or anything email-related, please reach out to Seguno Support.