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5 Thanksgiving email newsletter examples

Kestrel Lemen
Kestrel Lemen
Senior Strategist
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5 Thanksgiving email newsletter examples

All too often, Thanksgiving gets lost in the shuffle. We’re guilty of it. We push it aside to give Shopify merchants advice about Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM). 

So let’s pause from rushing ahead and turn our attention to Thanksgiving email marketing. Why not let the spirit of this holiday fuel an email newsletter message?

Break from holiday sales and fold a Thanksgiving newsletter into your overall BFCM promotional calendar. It’s the perfect time to express appreciation for your customers. 

Your email marketing program doesn’t have to include a "Happy Thanksgiving" message. However, it can be a unique and memorable touch.


Ideas for Thanksgiving newsletter content

The one thing to remember about any email you craft is to ensure you’re offering genuine value to your subscriber. 

That said, here are some ideas to guide your Thanksgiving email messages:

  • Write a heartfelt note about why you're grateful, lacing in a reminder that you’re an independent business 
  • Give a behind-the-scenes look
  • Provide access to something subscribers usually don’t have
  • Share a family recipe of a holiday favorite
  • Promote products that align with Thanksgiving
Seguno has some Thanksgiving and fall-themed email templates if you’re in a rush or need an expert’s touch. Find them in the Template store.

We’re jumping into the examples next. Stick around for subject line ideas to get noticed in the inbox.

Thanksgiving email newsletter examples for inspiration

What can the Thanksgiving newsletter ideas mentioned above look like in email form? We’ve found four email examples to help bring the concepts to life.

Is the structure of your emails optimized? Before you design your Thanksgiving email, we suggest you compare your anatomy to our recommendations.

Thanksgiving email idea #1: the heartfelt thank you

I’m confident in saying that no one associates barbecue with Thanksgiving. That’s why this twist from BBQGuys is so impressive. 

Email showing a table set for Thanksgiving, with the headline "Today, we share a table"

I love their note. BBQGuys masterfully invites themselves to the table. The body copy artfully shifts the reader’s thoughts to joyful gatherings beyond the Thanksgiving feast. It’s a wonderfully unique thank-you note that gives all the feels. 

Though the gratitude message takes up the most space, BBQGuys squeezes in some promotional elements before closing their Thanksgiving email message. 

Thanksgiving email idea #2: embracing the awkward

If your brand skews cheeky or strays from convention, follow Betterment’s lead. They apply humor to common Thanksgiving gripes. It makes for a standout email. 

Email with the title "Thanksgiving convo survival guide" followed by images of a text message

Theirs is a fun approach to a Thanksgiving email newsletter. They manage to slide in their brand’s value. The call to action mentions Betterment’s refer-a-friend program, which makes sense, given the rest of the message. As a subscriber, this type of message would pull me in.  

Thanksgiving email idea #3: behind the scenes

Brandless offers a note of thanks to subscribers that’s short and sweet. The candid photos, with professional images of food and family mixed in between, make this email message pop by inviting you into their world. 

Email with the title "We're thankful for you" with photos of people and food

This is an excellent time of year to use behind-the-scenes photos. Feature the owner, employees, and actual customers. All options emphasize your brand's “human” element by showcasing a touch of authenticity. And images of customers using your product — that’s an influential serving of social proof.  

Thanksgiving email idea #4: aligning with the holiday

Delivery provider Postmates has light-hearted fun with this Thanksgiving email. A huge hero image immediately grabs your attention. An ambiguous headline convinces you to keep reading. “Say bye. Get pie.” What does that mean? 

Email with title "Say Be. Get pie." and a large slice of pumpkin pie

If you continue reading, it all comes together. Ditch the holiday festivities when you’ve put in an acceptable amount of time, place your order for the food you really want to eat, and enjoy your delivery in the comfort of your home. 

The big picture: Postmates took a cultural event and thought about how their audience might need its services. 

Thanksgiving email idea #5: sharing expertise

Take a page from the founder of Perfect Locks. She not only wishes subscribers a “Happy Thanksgiving,” but gives them two gifts that match her background and brand: a recipe with an Indian-infused twist and hair-do inspiration for upcoming holiday soirees.

Email with a picture of a woman and a man and the word 'thank you' with the title "From our table to yours: a very happy Thanksgiving!"

Email content that shows you’ve got more to give than your regular product offerings is always a good thing!


Thanksgiving newsletter subject line ideas

You can have the best Thanksgiving email idea and execute its design perfectly, but you’re risking low open rates with a lackluster subject line. 

“Happy Thanksgiving” is easy enough and can attract notice, but why not aim higher?

Here are some email subject lines to copy and paste. Tweak as you’d like. Toss in an emoji or two. All are different ways to express appreciation:

  • Carving out time to say thanks!
  • Gratitude from our family to yours
  • Friends like you make our Turkey Day
  • What we’re thankful for
  • Gobble up this newsletter of thanks
  • A slice of gratitude
  • Stuffing our newsletter with thanks for you!
  • Thanksgiving cheer from our crew to you!
  • Thankful for our community
Improve your email open rates with our guide to writing better email subject lines.

Consider modeling one of the above approaches if you want to create a Thanksgiving email newsletter. Each is an opportunity to differentiate yourself from the pack, and connect and engage with your subscribers. 

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