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35 email subject lines for Black Friday and Cyber Monday + killer copywriting ideas

Kestrel Lemen
Kestrel Lemen
Senior Strategist
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35 email subject lines for Black Friday and Cyber Monday + killer copywriting ideas

So, you’re ready to get cracking on a slew of Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) email newsletters, huh?

But you can’t quite awaken those creative juices. What’s a good Black Friday email subject line that will get the newsletter opened, you wonder? What’s the right text for the message of the body? 

Such swirling thoughts are enough to paralyze any Shopify brand. We’re here to intervene with advice and ideas for you to steal.


Set the framework for your BFCM email newsletter

Before you can nail down any of the content, you need to decide if your message will lean toward promotional or emotional

(TLDR: Promotional newsletters are all about a discount or some other incentive like shipping; emotional newsletters focus on the brand, a product, a problem the product solves, etc.) 

When you choose the type of BFCM email newsletter first, piecing together the text is much easier.  

Before we get to the content ideas, I want to emphasize some points around subject lines. They are where an email’s success — or flop — begins, after all.

Bravo to you if you’ve got a following of subscribers and customers that gobbles up anything you send. But for many, a weak subject line could turn away a portion and stop them from seeing the great content inside. So you want to ensure you're following best practices for email subject lines.

Know that even if you write the most incredible subject lines, holiday emails typically generate lower open rates than regular promos. One study found it’s a 16.8% decline. 

Yet there is a silver lining: holiday emails convert at higher rates. The same report cites Black Friday emails convert at a 33% higher rate than non-holiday newsletters.  

What led to higher open rates in 2022? We conducted an analysis of Seguno customer BFCM email subject lines and found a few patterns.

Resist the temptation to slap together a subject line. Put thought into what would motivate subscribers to open your email. Then ensure that the copy and images correlate and are enticing to provoke a site visit. (And don’t quit once BFCM passes; the remainder of your holiday email subject lines deserve extra attention, too.)


Promotional subject line ideas for your Black Friday and Cyber Monday email newsletters

Time to leap into the content you came for: Black Friday email subject line examples plus body copy. I’ve also tossed in considerations for calls to action (CTA) — the language for the ever-important button that leads subscribers to the next step. 

I chunk all suggestions by three different email send times: pre-BFCM, during the BFCM stretch and post-Cyber Monday.

You'll notice that the message copy is short and sweet. Customize as necessary — keep it brief or feel free to expand slightly — and double-check all grammar. 

Subject lines 

Early-access BFCM (before Black Friday)

Early Access to Black Friday Sales
Today only: ___ for Early Black Friday
Get a Sneak Peek at Black Friday 👀
Our Black Friday Sale Starts NOW
VIPs Only: Early Black Friday Deals
Get the Black Friday deals before anyone else!

Days of BFCM (Black Friday - Cyber Monday)

Black Friday Starts Now
Cyber Monday Starts Now
Black Friday Deals Just Released
Free Shipping This Weekend!
Get ___ this weekend only
Black Friday Deals Inside
Cyber Monday Deals Inside

Extended or last chance (after Cyber Monday)

Sale ends at ___ EST 
Last chance, ends tonight. __% off
Don’t miss out! Last chance for ___
Only 3 hours left to get ___
___% Off Extended for Cyber Week!
Cyber Monday Sale Extended
Missed our Black Friday Sale? Here's ___% off!

Do you want more people to see your subject line? Grow your subscriber list with email popups for BFCM.

Text copy 

Early-access BFCM (before Black Friday)

Early Black Friday Deals Start Now!
It’s our early Black Friday Event
Why Wait ‘Till Friday? Get Great Deals Now
Psst! We’re only letting our VIP fans shop our Black Friday Deals early. Thanks for being a VIP.
For a limited time, you can get __(discount)___ on all _(product/category)__

Days of BFCM (Black Friday - Cyber Monday)

We’re only letting our VIPs know about this …
___ now on sale, today only. Ends at 9pm EST
Our Black Friday Sale Starts ____ 
Get __% off starting NOW
Black Friday - Limited-time deals are waiting for you
Black Friday Deals That Delight
It’s finally here. We don’t do this often. Even we’re excited about this sale. 
For a limited time, get _(promotion)__ off _(product)__
Cozy on up to these Black Friday deals

Extended or last chance (after Cyber Monday)

Black Friday Sale Extended!
Last chance to get __% off. 
Sale Ends Tonight
While supplies last (and we’re running out)
We extended the sale one more day, but we’re closing it down at 9pm ET tonight. 
Don’t miss out on these deals, it only happens once a year.


Shop Now

Claim My Offer

Shop Gifts

Shop Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals

Shop Now and Save! 

Start Shopping

See My Deals

Apply Discount

Shop the Sale

See the Deals

Get __% off Now!

Get a better feel for promotional and emotional email marketing for BFCM, with tips and examples.

Emotional subject line ideas for your Black Friday and Cyber Monday email newsletters

For those who don’t want to lead with a Cyber Monday or Black Friday email newsletter campaign with a heavy incentive — i.e., merchants that sell luxe products, make their items by hand, or have low margins — take a look at these emotion-driven subject lines, text copy and CTAs. 

You’ll notice that some text includes an incentive, which is secondary to the prime message. 

Again, examples are organized by send date. 

Subject lines 

Early-access BFCM (before Black Friday)

First Look: Our NEW ___
Shop Our New Holiday Line
❄️ Preview the Winter Collection ❄️
Limited Time: Free Gift with Purchase
Shop Local! Shop Smart! Extra ___ Off!

Days of BFCM (Black Friday - Cyber Monday)

Black Friday: Shop Local and Get ___% Off
We’re Thankful for You
Cyber Monday Exclusives
Your Ultimate Gift Guide
New: Perfect Holiday Gifts
Check Out Our New ___

Extended or last chance (after Cyber Monday)

Have you seen our new holiday styles?
We’ve only got a few of these left …
Last Chance to Get ___ 
Don’t Miss Out On ___

Text copy

Early-access BFCM (before Black Friday)

Start the season off right. Take a look at our new styles and collections.
Sneak peek: we’ve got new items that just landed on the site. You get to see them first. 
Free Gift with Purchase
As a special thank you for being a fan, this holiday season we’re giving away something special with each purchase
Shop early and save, _____ for a limited time. 

Days of BFCM (Black Friday - Cyber Monday)

We’ve got new __ that just launched. Take a look.
Thanks for being a fan, enjoy ____ today!
We know you have a choice when you shop. We appreciate that you shop locally, and remember the small businesses. 
Take an additional ___ as our way of saying thanks. 

Extended or last chance (after Cyber Monday)

Black Friday sales are winding down. So if you missed ours in the hustle and bustle, take a look now. 
Final call. We’re shutting the sale down later today, but wanted to make sure you had a chance to shop. 
Our newest arrivals have just launched. We’ve got ___ and ___ just in time for the holidays. 


Learn More

See More

See the Styles

Indulge Me

Let's Go!

Find My Style

See What's New

Find Out More

Show Me More

Treat Myself

Get First Dibs

Ring in the sales with Black Friday and Cyber Monday email campaigns: extra resources

We hope the above suggestions will lead to a smooth process of creating your Black Friday and Cyber Monday email subject lines, body copy and CTAs. Plop out any idea and use it as is, or thicken it up if you want to give your audience more. 

Anyone aiming to take their messages up a notch should check out these other resources: 

Speed up your Black Friday and Cyber Monday emails with Seguno’s pre-built templates

There are times your Shopify store can use some extra help when it’s crunch time. Beyond our Black Friday email subject line suggestions, we’ve got professionally designed content to quicken your email marketing process. 

Choose from an array of holiday options from our Template Store, including templates for Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Small Business Saturday. We also have multi-email packs if you want to make a splash with a themed campaign of emails. Seguno not only has campaign packages for Black Friday and Cyber Monday emails, but for holiday gifting and last-minute shopping. 

Install the template of your choice, customize as you’d like, and you’re ready to roll.

create, manage, and track your email marketing—without leaving Shopify.

Seguno is the top-rated email solution built exclusively for Shopify. Grow your sales with high-performing newsletters, email automation campaigns, and integrations with Facebook, Instagram, banners, pop-ups and more. Build and send engaging emails in our easy-to-use editor and take email creation to the next level with our Canva integration. Automate your email marketing and drive more revenue with welcome campaigns, checkout abandonment, post-purchase automations, tag triggers and more.

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